Our hop products

Origin and quality of raw materials are crucial for high-quality brewed beer specialities!

Unsere Hopfenprodukte bieten höchste Qualität wie unser Rohhopfen

Hop Cones

The hop cones are dried in the hop kiln and packaged in bales. The most important ingredients are hop oils, bitter substances and polyphenols. Raw hops are considered to be a pure, unprocessed natural product.

hop Pellets

Pellets Type 90 & 45

Hop pellets contain all the hop components of raw hops in compressed form.
With type 90 pellets, the quality of the raw hops also corresponds to the quality of the end product. Type 45 pellets are an alpha standardised product where the bitter content is specified.

Hop extract

CO2 Hop-Extract

CO2 Hop-Extract is produced by extraction processes using carbon dioxide. This process serves to preserve the natural and pure hop product.

All of our hop products are also available from neutral controlled contract farming (KVA hops).

Very fine aroma hops

Hallertauer Mittelfrüher, Hallertauer Hersbrucker Spät,
Hallertauer Spalter Select, Tettnanger

Fine aroma hops

Hallertauer Tradition, Hallertauer Perle, Saphir,
Opal, Record, Smaragd

Bitter hops

Herkules, Polaris, Hallertauer Magnum,
Hallertauer Taurus, Northern Brewer, Nugget

New Hüller aroma hops

Callista, Ariana, Mandarina Bavaria,
Hallertau Blanc, Huell Melon, Hallertauer Cascade

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